Monday, July 4, 2011

An Interview with Ethrion

Today everyone, we have an interview with our resident smurfs player, Ethrion who generously agreed to put evidence of his geekdom down in writing...

What makes you choose a new army?
To be honest, I haven’t chosen a new army in quite a while. But my reasons always revolve around the fluff and something that sparked my enthusiasm. For example, I never collected night lords before but I read Soul Hunter and I ran out and started Night Lords, ha ha!
So what army do you think you would never ever collect and why?
Hmm there’s quite a few I don’t think I would ever collected another type of loyalist marine army - one because its just more power armour and two out of principle seeing as I'm 100% Ultramarine when it comes to loyalists.  Same goes for chaos marines as I have 4 legions represented there. I wouldn’t collect sisters or tau above anything else though as nothing about them grab me 'fluff-wise'. Plus as an Ultramarine I have this urge to crush any and all tau ruthlessly and without mercy

What do you dislike about the current state of the game? What improvements do you hope to see in the future?
Well rules-wise I would have to say I hope they don’t change the edition before they update all the armies' codices. The needless altering of the game system to force sell new/more models isn’t necessary but I understand why they do it from a money-making point of view
I’m not a fan of finecast either - the fact that they release a far more expensive product which is flawed in so many respects in 70% of the models is inexcusable. Yes the detail is so much better and that is a very good thing. But for there to be the ratio of errors that there is has seriously let GW down. I hope they get their QC sorted out and then finecast might be worth the extra cost....*might*
Can you tell us any fond memories from when you first got into the hobby? Old minis etc?
I first got into the hobby back when I was I think 13-14. I was creating a board game and needed armoured warriors so chose a box of tactical marines. I ended up painting them blue because that’s what they were on the cover and suffice to say the rest is history. Playing weekly battles with my best friend back then was always a good laugh, though I’m sure we got all the rules wrong!
Do you still have those models?
I sold most of them 6 years ago; I only have a few old chaos terminators left now. But I didn’t have anything super rare to begin with, nothing rogue trader era that’s for sure. in fact I was totally out of the hobby 6 years ago when I came into the store to sell off my old models, when I started talking to a guy about Cypher and what he could be up to...the whole thing sparked my love of 40K again and 6 years and 12,000pts of ultramarines later I’m in deeper than I ever was!
So, last question: who’s your favourite rules writer and why?
I like the current set of rules writers despite what teh intrawebz might say Matt Ward and co. have been writing some very good codices...sure there are a few things that are quite broken and sure the codices do evolve and get slightly better than the last but not by much and certainly in a friendly setting all the books are well balanced
In tournament terms there are a couple of codices now that are heads and shoulders above the rest because of some very broken builds you can do. But in my opinion, 40K is not meant to be a competitive game. It’s meant to be played of an afternoon with your mates and it’s not about winning or losing but playing out a scenario and enjoying what happens

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