Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Black Templars WIP

2 crusader squads and a command squad undercoated black and initially based with codex grey. Shoulder pads still need cleaning up and edging in black again after being painted white and then washed lightly with badab black before being painted white again..

Command Squad with Company Champion Robert le Dracon

Battle-Brother Guillaume Eckharte

 Master of Sanctity Gebhard Morestell
 The Emperor's Champion Brother Thibaud

The first of many Templars to come...mortally wounded in one of the battles of the Angevin Crusade, the then veteran brother Everade was interred in his dreadnought armour shortly after so as to continue to prosecute the eternal crusade against the enemies of mankind. His exemplary service during his life as a marine and since as dreadnought has marked him out to be honoured with a new weapons platform, a contemptor dreadnought chassis.

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