Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Grey Knights Latest


ots of stuff breaking all over the tubes regarding the upcomeing Grey Knights Codex. Here's the latest rumor dump:

via Warseer (and others)

Unit Breakdown
Special Characters:
Lord "Draigo" LR cost.
Grand Master "Mordrack" Storm Raven Cost
Brother Captain Stern
Castellan Crowe

Inquisitor Corteaz
Inquisitor Karamazov
Inquisitor Valeria

Grand Master
Brother Captain
Brotherhood Champion
Ordo Malleus Inquisitor
Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor
Ordo Xenos Inquisitor

Singapore GT

Fresh from Raymond:

The tournament is set 28th and 29th May 2011.

Rumoured to be escalation - i.e. start at 1000 points then move up to 1750.

Let me know when you guys will reach and where you guys will be putting up. See you all soon!

Space Hulk Terrain

How about this beauty:

Can be done with hirst arts moulds...

and would be great to have a couple of tables like this: would fit Badab War Crusade

More pics

and a miniwargaming video


Not one for fully trusting in the rumours that get thrown about on various forums but apparently this source is quite reliable and informed. So I figured it was worth sharing. If there is any truth to it we are in for some exciting times in the near future!

"Anyway, on topic, the list of possible new armies I was given:


Various other MAJOR chaos factions devoted to a single god. (All Undivided perposedly going to be represented by the Vanilla codex which I hear is next up to be started on.) I hear they want to actually do a few over the next 5 years.

Adeptus mechanicus

Dreuger (sp?) (Squats) NOTE: NOT VERY LIKELY AT ALL, it was discussed from what I hear though. I only mention it because I know it would come up if a discussion formed.

Note that no plans are currently being formed for additional marine chapters as far as my source knows. (Outside of the ones allready released and which need to be updated, of course.)

They definitely want to do chaos factions, the rest is up in the air. I suspect they have plans to start on World Eaters.

At this point, I am fairly dried up in terms of what I got"

Original source:

Monday, February 7, 2011

Why you shouldn't go for an all night bender on a Tuesday night.....

because your wife will go into labour and you'll go through it with the mother of all hangovers..... ;-)

2nd Feb, 46 mins off from winning me the first baby of the Chinese New Year Edmund Crispin Reginald Hill, a cracking 11lbs, and IG player.